A great collection of excellent honey I.KARACHALIOS S.A offers with the quality guarantee of the Greek beekeepers and Melinda company. Melinda is responsible of the control and choice of the best Greek honey. By applying up-to-date methods in the process of packaging, honey maintains all its natural characteristics such as enzymes, vitamins, trace elements, etc. Melinda offers to consumers, pure Greek honey with excellent quality and nutritional value.
A few words about honey...
Honey is produced from the nectar, that bees collect from flowers and honey-like secretions of forest plants. The main species are thyme, honey, forest, and conifers. It is rich in carbohydrates (glucose and fructose), it contains proteins, vitamins of the B complex, amino acids, enzymes, trace elements (calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc) and water. With regards to its calorie value, one tablespoon, is equivalent to about 21 grams and gives 64 calories, while the corresponding amount of sugar has 84 calories. In any case, experts advise preferring honey instead of sugar.
Visit Melinda’s official site to learn more about honey: www.melinda.gr/
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